screen 6: pgload "cskey01.dat" sound 54,50:sound 57,50:sound 60,50 sound 57,50:sound 54,110:l=0:r=0:f$="SOUBOR.PCS" m=0:h=6:v=8:read c$ 5 screen 7:restore 800 mc=menu(1,1,6,0,0,7,"Funkce programu","Mikrop¡smo 60x8","Standartn¡ p¡smo 40x8","Pr ce s daty na disku...","Editace a £prava...","Informace o programu...","Konec pr ce - n vrat DOS") if mc=-1 then goto 2500 if mc=0 and m=0 then m=1: h=4:v=8:r=ceil(r*3/2):read c$,c$:goto 8 if mc=1 and m=1 then m=0: h=6:v=8:r=ceil(r*2/3):read c$:goto 8 if mc=2 then goto 2200 if mc=3 then goto 2300 if mc=4 then goto 2400 if mc=5 then goto 2500 8 screen 6 if exists("kill.dat") then pgload "kill.dat" glocate 1+l*v,1+r*h 10 gprint c$:glocate 1+l*v,1+r*h 11 reg 1,0000: call interrupt 22:a=reg(1) sh=shift:sc=int(a/256):a=a-sc*256 sh=-sgn(sh-int(sh/4)*4) if mk then mk=0:goto 85 if sc = 00 then goto 11 if sc = 01 then goto 2000 if sc < 12 then goto 100 12 if sc = 26 then j=1:goto 200 if sc = 27 then j=2:goto 200 if sc = 39 then j=3:goto 200 if sc = 40 then j=4:goto 200 if sc = 13 then mk=-1:beep:goto 11 if sc = 14 then goto 90 if sc = 28 then goto 50 if a<128 and a>31 then goto 110 if a = 08 then 2100 if a = 09 then 2150 goto 11 50 gprint "000000000000" if l=7 then beep: goto 2000 l=l+1:r=0:glocate 1+l*v,1:goto 10 85 if a<32 then goto 11 if sc > 01 and sc < 12 then goto 110 if sc = 49 then j=5:goto 200 if a>90 then goto 87 restore 1500 for i=1 to 12 read j,sc if j=a then i=13 else sc=00 next i if sc<>00 then:sh=-1:goto 100 goto 110 87 if a>122 then goto 11 restore 1501 for i=1 to 12 read j,sc if j=a then i=13 else sc=00 next i if sc <> 00 then sh=0: goto 100 goto 110 90 gprint "000000000000" if r=0 and l>0 then r=240/h:l=l-1:goto 91 if r=0 then glocate 1,1: goto 10 91 r=r-1:glocate 1+l*v,1+r*h:gprint "000000000000":glocate 1+l*v,1+r*h:goto 10 100 if sc > 12 then goto 12 if sh then restore 1001+200*m else restore 1000+200*m for i= 1 to sc: read a$:next i goto 115 110 i=a-int(a/10)*10: restore 1000+200*m+a-i for j=0 to i:read a$:next j 115 gprint a$:if a=95 then goto 120 gprint "00" 120 r=r+1 if r=240/h then r=0:l=l+1:glocate 1+l*v,1 if l=9 then beep: goto 2000 goto 10 200 if sh then restore 1003+200*m: goto 210 restore 1004+200*m 210 for i= 1 to j: read a$ : next i goto 115 800 data "e781000081e7","e78181e7" 1000 data "","3844463900","3855565558","4855562500","3845464520","7c09060508","4465564d00","4c5052513c","2054565578","00447e4100","3854565558" 1001 data "","3844464538","7d56565544","4855565625","3845464645","7c15163548","4465564d44","0c1062110c","7814161578","00447e4500","7c54565544" 1003 data "3c4042413c","7c45462910","3c4245423c","04057e0504","7c0912217c" 1004 data "3840422178","30487f0201","3842452278","043f444126","7c09060578" 1030 data "" ,"" ,"0000000000","00005f0000","0003000300","147f147f14","242a6b2a12","2313086462","3649552250","0005030000" 1040 data "001c224100","0041221c00","14083e0814","08083e0808","0000503000","0808080808","0000606000","2010080402","3e5149453e","00427f4000" 1050 data "4261514946","2141454b31","1814127f10","2745454539","3c4a494930","0101790503","3649494936","064949291e","0000363600","0000563600" 1060 data "0008142241","1414141414","4122140800","0201510906","3e4149550e","7e0909097e","7f49494936","3e41414122","7f4141221c","7f49494941" 1070 data "7f09090901","3e41515172","7f0808087f","00417f4100","2040413f01","7f08142241","7f40404040","7f020c027f","7f0408107f","3e4141413e" 1080 data "7f09090906","3e4151215e","7f09192946","2649494932","01017f0101","3f4040403f","1f2040201f","7f2018207f","6314081463","0708780807" 1090 data "6151494543","007f414100","0204081020","0041417f00","0402010204","808080808080","0001020400","2054545478","7f48444438","3844444420" 1100 data "384444487f","3854545458","087e090902","485454543c","7f08040478","00447d4000","2040443d00","7f20102844","00417f4000","7c04180478" 1110 data "7c08040478","3844444438","7c14141408","081414147c","7c08040408","4854545424","043f444420","3c4040207c","1c2040201c","3c4030403c" 1120 data "4428102844","4c5050503c","4464544c44","00083e4141","0000770000","41413e0800","0201030201","6050445060" 1200 data "","304c32","326c52","525c2a","324c4a","7a140a","6a6c5a","18641a","685c72","007402","306c52" 1201 data "","384639","7d5645","595635","394645","7d1669","65564d","0c720d","782679","007a01","7c5645" 1203 data "3c427d","7d4639","3a457a","057e05","7d3a7d" 1204 data "38447a","21527d","344a74","093e49","7a0c72" 1230 data "" ,"" ,"000000","005c00","0c000c","7c287c","246b12","130864","3a4532","010600" 1240 data "1c2241","41221c","140814","081c08","503000","080808","606000","201008","7c447c","087c00" 1250 data "486458","445428","1c1078","5c5424","7c5474","64140c","7c547c","5c547c","6c6c00","543400" 1260 data "102844","282828","442810","045408","3c4e2c","782478","7c5428","384444","7c4438","7c5444" 1270 data "7c1404","384434","7c107c","007c00","20403c","7c1864","7c4040","7c187c","7c387c","384438" 1280 data "7c1408","182458","7c1468","485424","047c04","3c407c","1c601c","7c307c","6c106c","0c700c" 1290 data "64544c","7c4400","081020","447c00","080408","80808080","020c00","685870","7c4830","304848" 1300 data "30487c","306850","107814","106838","7c0870","007400","403400","7c2050","447c40","781878" 1310 data "780870","304830","782810","102878","781008","505828","083c48","384078","384038","782078" 1320 data "483048","586018","686858","107c44","007700","447c10","040804","605060" 1500 data 65,9,67,5,68,27,69,11,73,10,79,2,82,6,83,4,84,40,85,39,89,8,90,7 1501 data 97,9,99,5,100,27,101,11,105,10,111,2,114,6,115,4,116,40,117,39,121,8,122,7 2000 gprint "00000000000000" if exists("kill.dat") then kill "kill.dat" pgsave "kill.dat":goto 5 2100 if exists("kill.dat") then kill "kill.dat" beep:pgsave "kill.dat" pgload "cskey03.dat":wait pgload "kill.dat":goto 10 2150 if exists("kill.dat") then kill "kill.dat" beep:pgsave "kill.dat" pgload "cskey05.dat":wait pgload "kill.dat":goto 10 2200 mc=menu(2,12,2,0,0,3,"Data a £daje","Nahr t data z disku...","Ukl dat data na disk...") if mc=-1 then goto 5 2205 locate 3,14 f$=edit$("N zev souboru",f$) if instr(f$,"*")<>0 then goto 2220 if instr(f$,"?")<>0 then goto 2220 if mc=1 then goto 2210 if not exists(f$) then errwin 5,15,"Soubor nebyl nalezen":goto 2200 screen 6:pgload f$:beep:wait if exists("kill.dat") then kill "kill.dat" pgsave "kill.dat":l=0:r=0:goto 5 2210 if not exists(f$) then goto 2215 i=menu(2,12,2,0,0,3,ucase$(f$)+" existuje!","Ano - v klidu smazat","Ne - soubor zachr nit ") if i=-1 then goto 2205 if i= 1 then goto 5 2215 screen 6:pgload "kill.dat":pgsave f$ screen 7:errwin 3,6,"Data byla uschov na na disk" goto 5 2220 errwin 5,6,"Glob ln¡ znaky *,? zat¡m neum¡m" goto 2200 2300 mc=menu(2,7,4,0,0,5,"Editace a £prava","Zarovn vat odstavce","Centrovat text","Z hlav¡ a pozn mky","Form t a tabulace") if mc=-1 then goto 5 screen 6:pgload "cskey04.dat":beep:wait:goto 5 2400 mc=menu(2,7,4,0,0,5,"Informace a £daje","Kl vesnice ^H","Funkce programu ^I","A co budoucnost?","O autorovi...") if mc=-1 then goto 5 screen 6 if mc=0 then pgload "cskey03.dat" if mc=1 then pgload "cskey05.dat" if mc=2 then pgload "cskey06.dat" if mc=3 then pgload "cskey07.dat" beep:wait:goto 5 2500 cls box 1,1,3,40,1 print @42,"STOP - byla data z lohov na na disk?" mc=menu(4,4,2,0,0,3," Konec pr ce - n vrat do DOSu ","Ano - chci odej¡t do DOSu","Ne - budu pracovat d le") if mc<>0 then goto 5 screen 6: pgload "cskey02.dat":beep if exists("kill.dat") then kill "kill.dat" wait:screen 7:cls exitcmd "D¡ky za podporu!"