@echo off rem To save disk space remove all rem REMarks from this batch file ! cls :1 #desktop if errorlevel 88 goto end if errorlevel 84 goto T if errorlevel 83 goto S if errorlevel 82 goto R if errorlevel 76 goto L if errorlevel 75 goto K if errorlevel 73 goto I if errorlevel 71 goto G if errorlevel 69 goto E if errorlevel 68 goto D if errorlevel 67 goto C if errorlevel 0 goto 1 goto 1 :T rem call the Diary app /d goto 1 :S rem System app /s goto 1 :R rem Calculator app /c goto 1 :L rem Worksheet app /w goto 1 :K cls rem Sound and Pictures klang goto 1 :I cls rem Display Pictures cat tut goto 1 :G cls echo The current version of PF-Desk echo does not support this icon. echo Future versions may contain a echo backup utility to save C: to A: pause goto 1 :E rem call Editor app /e goto 1 :D rem AddressBook app /a goto 1 :C rem call Utility chkdsk echo . pause goto 1 :end rem get back to DOS cls