¿Ä¿ÚÄ¿¿Ä¿Ú¿¿Ä¿¿ ¿¿ ³ÄÙ³ ³³ÂÙ ³ ³ ¿³ ³³ Gives your Portfolio a frendlier approach ÄÙ ÀÄÙÙÀ Ù ÙÄÙÙÄÙÙÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ What is PORTGUI? ================ PortGui is a small iconbased shell from which you can start the built in Portfolio programs. The program is so small that you can put it, and it's data files on drive C:, and still have memory to run programs. The icon <-> program assignments are all made in a batchfile so that you can configure PortGui for your needs, examine it! What's new? =========== PortGui now has a built in password protection program. The program has become smaller and is now a *.COM file. PortGui can now be run on an ordinary PC with a CGA-card. The files, what do they do? =========================== PG.COM The main program, yes it's now a *.COM file. PORTGUI.BAT Batchfile with icon <-> program assignments. PORTGUI.DOC This manual. PG_ICONS.DEF The icon definition file. Alright, how do I use it? ========================= Using Portgui is simple, transfer the programs PG.EXE, PORTGUI.BAT and PG_ICONS.DEF to your Portfolio, with a parallel interface or a card-drive. Start portgui by typing PORTGUI <Ù at the DIP prompt. Use the left and right cursor keys to select the program to run, and mark your choice with <Ù. The icons supplied are,left to right: Diary - The internal Diary program. Adress - The internal Adress database. Editor - The internal Portfolio internal editor. Spread Sheet - The internal 1-2-3 compatible worksheet program. Calculator - The internal built in calculator. Printer/Screen - Internal system setup menu. Diagram/funct. - Executes an external program FUNCTIO. Equation - External program MATH - equation evaluation program. Tetris icon - Tetrad the Portfolio tetris version. Exit sign - Exits Portgui and returns to DIP. Off button - Turns off your Portfolio. ¿Ä¿ÚÄ¿¿Ä¿Ú¿¿Ä¿¿ ¿¿ ³ÄÙ³ ³³ÂÙ ³ ³ ¿³ ³³ Gives your Portfolio a frendlier approach ÄÙ ÀÄÙÙÀ Ù ÙÄÙÙÄÙÙÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Power users guide: ================== If you like to customize Portgui, simply edit the batch file. You can for example, change the APP/C line to execute an other calculator, of your choice. The commandline parameters are as follows: PG [password] no icons - The number of icons to read from the PG_ICONS.DEF. password - The password to ask for, at the start of PG.COM. Examle: The command PG 11 FUBAR Starts Portgui, asks for a password and displays the 11 first icons of PG_ICONS.DEF, if the password is correct. PG.COM returns an errorlevel corresponding to the icon, you've selected. The PG_ICON.DEF - file ---------------------- PortGui icons are 16x16 pixel B/W bitmaps. The first line represents the first icon, the second line the second icon and so forth. The first 4-digit hexadecimal number at every line represents the first line in the icon, the second number, the second line and so forth. An all black icon is defined by a line with 16 "FFFF" separated with a comma ",". History: ======== Ver 1.1 The ancient original PortGui. 1.2 The screenlayout has been redesigned to be able to handle more icons. 1.3 Userdefined icons are now implemented. 1.4 A password protection utility is now added, the program now runs on a PC with a CGA-card. The program is smaller and Future: ======= The future of PortGui depends on YOUR support and feedback. You can reach me though Internet mail at: ran@elc.beijer.se