"ART" for the Atari Portfolio Version 1.0 dated March 3rd, 1991 revised by Matthew Kennedy (GEnie addr: M.KENNEDY3) This program is freeware, distribute it as you wish but please distribute this file along with the program itself. Portions of the code are copyrighted by Borland... This is a specially modified version of a demonstration program that is distibuted along with Borland's Turbo Pascal. This file was created with Turbo Pascal 3.0.2 which is small enough TO RUN ON A STANDARD PORTFOLIO with only 128K and a 64K SRAM card! (if you try to run Turbo Pascal yourself, set up the program as monochrome only and set the Portfolio's screen to Tracked or Static and refresh to keys. Note that setting the complier for use in mono only DOES NOT affect whether or not you can use graphics commands. It only changes how the editor screen is displayed.) This program has been modified to take into consideration the Portfolio's screen size and the way it deals with text while in graphics mode. It has then been compressed using LZEXE version 0.91 in order to reduce it's size as far as possible. Pressing the space bar while the program is drawing causes the screen to clear and pressing ESC exits the program. Watch for more intresting programs that take advantage of the Portfolio's graphics (did I hear someone say "games"?) in the future. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me on GEnie (my E-mail address is M.KENNEDY3). Enjoy. Matthew Kennedy