How to make bitmap images for PutImage routine. ----------------------------------------------- (by Jan Sedlak 23:10pm 11-15-1995) A. What you need: ----------------- 1. PC Painting software 2. PC Bitmap viewer (full screen) 3. A86 assembler (shareware - available on request from the author) B. Step by step --------------- 1. Let us say you want to make an image 80 pixel wide (horizontal) and 30 pixel long (vertical). ------ 2. First edit the image in your painting software. I recommend to draw a frame 81x31 to get the right size of the image. ------ 3. If you are ready, remove the frame (#2 above), if any. Then move the image to the top left corner and save the picture. Example file: TEST1.PCX ------ 4. Start the SNATCH.EXE - a PGF screen "thief". View the picture (TEST1.PCX in demo) in a full screen bitmap viewer. (I use Norton Commander F3 key) ------ 5. If the picture is on the screen, press ALT-S to start the SNATCH.EXE resident function. The result should be "snatch00.pgf". Remember: the PGF file is always 1920 bytes long. There is a TEST1.PGF file (demo file) included. It is a PGF saving from the TEST1.PCX file. ------ 6. As a next step, you have to adapt the PGF2DB.8 file to fit your needs. PGF2DB.8 is a source file (assembler) of a tool that converts the upper left corner of PGF file to bitmap image written in DB format for later re-assembling. If you look at the PGF2DB.8 (PGF-to-DB) you can see a similar header at the beginning of the file: source db 'snatch00.pgf',00 target db 'exit.dat',00 bajt_hor db 3 ; total of bytes for horizontal pixels bajt_ver db 10 ; lines source - name of the source PGF file target - where the DB data will be saved bajt_hor - number of horizontal bytes (8 pixels in one byte) bajt_ver - number of vertical pixels/lines You can adapt the 'source' and 'target' items if you need to use other filenames. You must adapt the 'bajt_hor' and 'bajt_ver' any time you change the size of the image. Bajt_hor is total of bytes needed to save one horizontal line. If we use our example (80x30 image) the 'bajt_hor' will be 10. (10*8=80) If the image were, let's say, 85 pixel wide, the 'bajt_hor' would be equal to 11. (For 85 pixels we need 11 bytes: 11*8=88, the last 3 bits are not used) Bajt_ver is total of lines. It is the same as the vertical size of the image: in our example (80x30) the bajt_ver is 30. EXAMPLE: Let us take our image from file TEST1.PGF (80*30 pixels). Then the heading in PGF2DB.8 must be adapted: source db 'test1.pgf',00 target db 'exit.dat',00 bajt_hor db 10 ; total of bytes for horizontal_pixels bajt_ver db 30 ; lines If you are ready, the next step is compiling the PGF2DB.8 into a .com file ------ 7. Compiling into .com file It is simple. Just type at the DOS prompt: a86 pgf2db.8 [enter] The result is a .com and .sys file. The .sys file has now meaning for your further work. ------- 8. Now run the PFG2DB.COM file by typing it at the prompt: pgf2db [enter] The result should be an 'exit.dat' (or whatever you called it) on your disk. The 'exit.dat' consists of 'DB' at each line, followed by clusters of 3 hexa digits separated by commas. ------ 9. Adding a image header The image header consists of 4 digits and e.g. looks this way: DB 64,0,13,0 - This header above is for image 65x14 pixel large. The header is the very first info, before the image data itself. If we take our example of TEST1.PGF (80*30 pixels) than the header will be: DB 79,0,29,0 As you certainly noticed, the numbers start from 0 and are thus decreased by 1. (80-->79, 30-->29). And the 2nd and 4th number are set to 0. ------- 10. Last step Merge the image with the header into your program source code and do not forget to give the PutImage routine the segment-offset pointer showing to the data of your image. Good luck. ------------------------------------ C. The files included in this package INIT 8 250 Init rutine PUTIM 8 12,279 PutImage rouine REFRESH 8 2,112 Refresh routine CLRAM 8 397 Clear_Ram routine SNATCH EXE 9,958 PGF screen saver PGF2DB 8 2,014 PGF-to-DB convertor BITMAP TXT this text TEST1 PCX 20,534 PCX file TEST1 PGF 1,920 PGF file TEST1 DAT 1,352 image data (exit.dat) + header DEMO1 COM 1,499 demo program DEMO1 8 17,475 demo source --------------------------------------- D. How to contact the autor: Address: Jan Sedlak - Portfolio Sarajevska 29 120 00 Praha 2 Phone: + 42 2 691 11 63 (also modem, fax) + 42 2 99 61 894 (also answ.) e-mail: This package is completely free to be used for further software development. Please let me know your results.