D.EXE D.EXE je symbolick˜ DEBUGGER, kter˜ byl p–vodnˆ ur‡en pro po‡¡ta‡e PC, ale byl upraven, tak aby pracoval i na Atari Portfolio. To znamen , ‘e p©i pr ci je mo‘n‚ nechat re‘im displeje nastaven na NORMAL. Pokud se chcete dovˆdˆt v¡ce o funkc¡ch tohoto DEBUGGERu, zadejte ? nebo ??. (V˜pis funkc¡ je ale na obrazovce 80*25, proto p©epnˆte re‘im displeje na STATIC) Zde je v˜pis toho, co se v m objev¡: ? Help ?? Command formats :name Define a macro (You're prompted to enter the macro body) =name Invoke a macro = List all defined macros. A Assemble into memory B Block compare D Display memory -D Set default nr of bytes to display E Load (for Execution) program & symbol file[s] F Fill memory G Go (with optional temporary breakpoints) H Hexadecimal arithmetic I Set up program arguments L List memory (disassemble) M Move (copy) memory block P Pass points (i.e., breakpoints) Q Direct I/O request - Or QUIT R Read disk file S Set memory SR Search T Trace (single-step execution) U Untraced single-step execution V Verify values of last file loaded W Write disk file X Examine [or modify] CPU state Y Special GEM SID commands, `?Y' for more info In the formats below, `s' means a full (base and offset) address, `f' is an offset, and `n' is a number. Brackets surround optional elements. A s Assemble into memory, at address s B s1,f,s2 Block compare memory at s1 (through f) vs block at s2 D[W]s[,f] Display memory (-D sets default nr of bytes to display) E file1 [[-]file2] Load files and symbols; E alone frees memory try `-' or `+' preceding file2 for `large' symbol addresses F[W]s,f,n Fill memory from s to f with n [-]G[s1][,s2[,s2]] Go at s1; s2 & s3 are breakpoints; `-' quiets it. H[n1[,n2]] Show symbols; show n1; show n1+n2, n1-n2, n1*n2 and n1/n2 Istring Set up command tail (command line arguments) [-]L[s[,f]] List memory (disassemble) from s to f; `-' won't show symbols Ms1,f,s2 Move (copy) memory block from s1 (through f) to s2 [-]P[s[,n]] Set/clear/list breakpoints (called "pass points" here) QI[W]n1 or QO[W]n1,n2 Input from (or output n2 to) port n1 ...or... QRs,drive,sector,count or QW... Read/Write count sectors from drive to s Rfile Read disk file [-]S[W][s] Store into memory or enable/disable segment register display SRs,f,"string" Search through memory [-]T[W][n] Trace/step execution [-]U[W][n] Untraced step execution V Values of last file read Wfile[,s,f] Write memory (block from s to f) to disk file X[R|S] Examine CPU state [alter: R == registers; S == a state flag] Y[ME|MD|YGE|YGD|YG] Special GEM SID commands, `?Y' for more info Vˆ©¡me, ‘e se m m s DEBUGGERem bude dob©e pracovat a tˆ¨¡me se na mno‘stv¡ nov˜ch program–. Pro dal¨¡ informace kontaktujte: Portfolio 252 45 po¨ta ZVOLE