randomize:cls dim s$(1),l(26),k(26,4),t(3):restore for i=1 to 26:read l(i):next for i=1 to 26:for j=1 to l(i) read k(i,j):next::next v=40:t(1)=49:t(2)=54:t(3)=62:ton=2 5 box 2,1,7,10,1:print @81,"Speed:";v print @121,"Tone:";ton:box 2,32,7,40,1 print @113,"Morse":print @153,"V 1.0" print @193,"LTSH":print @234,"1992" i=menu(2,11,4,0,0,5,"Menu","Transmit-computer","Transmit-input","Set up","Help") if i=-1 then cls:end if i=0 then 10 if i=1 then 40 if i=2 then 70 if i=3 then 90 10 cls:box 1,1,8,40,1:locate 1,12 y=2:ym=y:print " Transmit-computer " 15 scrsave s$(0):beep:x=3 a=menu(ym,20,4,0,0,3,"Are you ready?","Yes","Quit") if a=-1 or a=1 then cls:goto 5 scrload s$(0):i=0:m$="":locate y,x repeat:i=i+1 j=int(rnd*25):a$=chr$(j+65):m$=m$+a$ until i=36 gosub 100:print m$:y=y+1:if y<8 then 20 errwin 4,18,"Press any key ...":cls:goto 5 20 ym=ym+1:if ym=6 then ym=1 goto 15 40 cls:box 1,1,8,40,1:print @16," Input " x=3:y=2:locate y,x 41 m$="" 42 a$=inkey$:if a$="" then 42 if asc(a$)=13 then 45 if a$="*" then 46 a$=ucase$(a$) if asc(a$)<65 or asc(a$)>90 then 42 locate y,x:print a$; m$=m$+a$:x=x+1 if x=39 then x=3:y=y+1 if y=8 then gosub 100:cls:goto 5 goto 42 45 gosub 100:goto 41 46 cls:goto 5 70 i=menu(3,12,4,0,0,3,"Set up","Speed","Tone") if i=-1 then 5 if i=0 then 73 if i=1 then 76 73 scrsave s$(0):box 4,12,6,22,1:print @133," Speed " print @172," (1-9): ":locate 5,20 74 i$=inkey$:if asc(i$)=27 then scrload s$(0):goto 70 i=val(i$) if i>0 and i<=9 then v=i*10 else 74 print @87,v:goto 5 76 scrsave s$(0):box 4,12,6,21,1:print @133," Tone " print @173,"(1-3)"; 78 i$=inkey$:if asc(i$)=27 then scrload s$(0):goto 70 i=val(i$) if i>0 and i<4 then ton=i else 78 print @126,i:goto 5 90 cls:box 1,1,8,40,1:locate 1,17,0:print " Help " print "ºEsc - exit from menus" print "º* - exit from 'Transmit-input'" print @161,"Don't use the programm ALTR.COM!" print @262,"Press any key ..." wait print @41,"This programm can be copied freely." print @81,"If you like this programm, send me" print @121,"10DM ($5,”S50,...) and I send you" print @161,"new version and other programms." print @201,"Adr: TOMECEK Lad. ml.,Dobrotice 138," print @241,"769 01 HOLESOV, CSFR" wait:cls:locate 0,0,2:goto 5 100 print@36," ";chr$(14);" ":locate y,x for i=1 to len(m$) j=asc(mid$(m$,i,1))-64 for m=1 to l(j):lt=int(380/v*k(j,m)) sound t(ton),lt next:for p=1 to 4000/v:next:next print @36,"ÍÍÍ":locate y,x return 110 data 2,4,4,3,1,4,3,4,2,4,3,4,2,2,3,4 111 data 4,3,3,1,3,4,3,4,4,4 165 data 1,3 166 data 3,1,1,1 167 data 3,1,3,1 168 data 3,1,1 169 data 1 170 data 1,1,3,1 171 data 3,3,1 172 data 1,1,1,1 173 data 1,1 174 data 1,3,3,3 175 data 3,1,3 176 data 1,3,1,1 177 data 3,3 178 data 3,1 179 data 3,3,3 180 data 1,3,3,1 181 data 3,3,1,3 182 data 1,3,1 183 data 1,1,1 184 data 3 185 data 1,1,3 186 data 1,1,1,3 187 data 1,3,3 188 data 3,1,1,3 189 data 3,1,3,3 190 data 3,3,1,1