1 ' This program will take a Portfolio file and remove all carriage 2 ' returns, except where two are found consequetively. In that case 3 ' a hard return is inserted. This means that a hard carriage return 4 ' must be used to separate paragraphs in the Portfolio's editor or 5 ' the "EDIT" program. 6 ' 7 ' R. Gigengack 2-9-90 8 ' 100 INPUT "Name of the input file: ",F$ 110 INPUT "Name of the output file: ",O$ 120 OPEN F$ FOR INPUT AS #1 : OPEN O$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 130 IF EOF(1) GOTO 1000 140 L$=INPUT$(1,#1) 150 IF ASC(L$)=13 GOTO 200 160 PRINT#2,L$; : GOTO 130 200 M$=INPUT$(1,#1) : IF EOF(1) GOTO 1000 205 N$=INPUT$(1,#1) 210 IF ASC(N$)=13 GOTO 300 220 IF N$=" " THEN PRINT#2,N$; ELSE PRINT#2," ";N$; 230 GOTO 130 300 PRINT#2,"" : PRINT#2,"" : L$=INPUT$(1,#1) 310 GOTO 130 1000 PRINT#2,"" : CLOSE(1) : CLOSE(2) : SYSTEM