rem fr Portfolio von R.Rumrich 1 randomize cls: dim w(5),z(4,17) BOX 1,14,5,24,1:locate 3,16:Print "KNIFFEL" 2 wait:cls: gosub 2000 n=0:r=0 6 n=n+1: if n>13 then 3000 for a = 1 to s gosub 1000 w(1) =x: gosub 1000 w(2) =x: gosub 1000 w(3) =x: gosub 1000 w(4) =x: gosub 1000 w(5) =x 55 cls:r=r+1 60 BOX 2,17,4,19,1:BOX 2,22,4,24,1:BOX 2,27,4,29,1:BOX 2,32,4,34,1:BOX 2,37,4,39,1 locate 3,18:print w(1):locate 3,23:print w(2):locate 3,28:print w(3) locate 3,33:print w(4):locate 3,38:print w(5) locate 3,1:print"Wurf ";r;" !":gosub 500:goto 70 500 locate 2,1:print n$(a) locate 5,1: print "1er";z(a,1);" 2er";z(a,2);" 3er";z(a,3); print " 4er";z(a,4);" 5er";z(a,5);" 6er";z(a,6) print "TOT";;z(a,14);" BON";z(a,15);" TTO";z(a,16) print "DRP";z(a,7);" VIP";z(a,8);" FUL";z(a,9);" KLS";z(a,10); print " GRS";z(a,11);" XKX";z(a,12) print "CHA";z(a,13);" TTU";z(a,17);" TTO";z(a,16);" GES";z(a,0) return 70 a$=inkey$: if a$ = "" then goto 70 if r=3 then 100 if a$="1" then w(1)=x:goto 1500 if a$="2" then w(2)=x:goto 1500 if a$="3" then w(3)=x:goto 1500 if a$="4" then w(4)=x:goto 1500 if a$="5" then w(5)=x:goto 1500 if a$="w" then 55 100 if a$="e" then print "Eintrag ";:goto 600 goto 70 600 p$=inkey$:if p$="" then 600 if p$="1" then 810 if p$="2" then 820 if p$="3" then 830 if p$="4" then 840 if p$="5" then 850 if p$="6" then 860 if p$="d" then 870 if p$="v" then 873 if p$="f" then 876 if p$="k" then 880 if p$="g" then 884 if p$="x" then 888 if p$="c" then 895 goto 600 650 r=0: next a goto 6 700 z(a,14)=z(a,1)+z(a,2)+z(a,3)+z(a,4)+z(a,5)+z(a,6) z(a,17)=z(a,7)+z(a,8)+z(a,9)+z(a,10)+z(a,11)+z(a,12)+z(a,13) for i = 1 to 6 if z(a,i)=100 then z(a,14)=z(a,14)-100 next i for i = 7 to 13 if z(a,i)=100 then z(a,17)=z(a,17)-100 next i if z(a,14)>62 then z(a,15)=35 z(a,16)=z(a,14)+z(a,15) z(a,0)=z(a,16)+z(a,17) cls:gosub 500:wait:goto 650 810 if z(a,1)>=1 then 900 input "1er ",z(a,1):goto 700 820 if z(a,2)>1 then 900 input "2er ",z(a,2):goto 700 830 if z(a,3)>1 then 900 input "3er ",z(a,3):goto 700 840 if z(a,4)>1 then 900 input "4er ",z(a,4):goto 700 850 if z(a,5)>1 then 900 input "5er ",z(a,5):goto 700 860 if z(a,6)>1 then 900 input "6er ",z(a,6):goto 700 870 if z(a,7)>1 then 900 input "Dreier Pasch ",z(a,7):goto 700 873 if z(a,8)>1 then 900 input "Vierer Pasch ",z(a,8):goto 700 876 if z(a,9)>1 then 900 input "Full House=25 ",z(a,9):goto 700 880 if z(a,10)>1 then 900 input "Kl Strae=30 ",z(a,10):goto 700 884 if z(a,11)>1 then 900 input "Gr Strae=40 ",z(a,11):goto 700 888 if z(a,12)>1 then 900 input "Kniffel=50 ",z(a,12):goto 700 895 if z(a,13)>1 then 900 z(a,13)=w(1)+w(2)+w(3)+w(3)+w(4)+w(5):goto 700 900 print "Besetzt!";:wait:goto 600 1000 x=int(rnd*6)+1:return 1500 x=int(rnd*6)+1:goto 70 2000 input "Wieviele Spieler? ",s dim n$(s) for a=1 to s input "Name: ",n$(a) next a return 3000 for a=1 to s print n$(a);" hat ";z(a,0);" punkte" next a print "Noch ein spiel? J/N"; 3032 p$=inkey$:if p$="" then 3032 if p$="J" then 1 cls: print "Bis zum nchsten Mal!": end