dim g$(5) g$(1)="98483e682c" g$(2)="58483e28ec" g$(3)="0058fe1000" a=screen screen 6 cmode=4:?" The Running Man":cmode=0 line(0,17)-(239,17) glocate 1,20 ?" This is a demo of ";:cmode=1:?"text";:cmode=0:?" and ";:cmode=2:?"Graphics" cmode=0:?" On the same screen. The little" cmode=4:?" man";:cmode=0:?" is created with GPRINT" cmode=8:?"** You can also print upside-down ** ":cmode=0 cmode=12:?" ";:cmode=13:?"Combine Modes" glocate 1,1:cmode=24:?"Sideways ":cmode=0 glocate 233,8:cmode=20:?"Wide":cmode=0 p=10:l=10 21 for x=1 to 3 glocate p-1,l:gprint "00" gprint g$(x) 'if x<>3 then click for y=1 to 15 : next y 22 a$=inkey$: 'if a$<>"" then 23 if asc(a$)=27 then 999 if a$=" " then wait next x p=p+2:if p>200 then 23 goto 21 23 screen a 999 if isrun then run "menu" else end