PROGRAM FILEDEMO; {a demonstration of reading from the terminal,} {writing to a disk file, then reading the disk file to the screen.} VAR DISKFILE:TEXT; S1:STRING; BEGIN WRITELN('filedemo demonstration program'); ASSIGN(DISKFILE,'file1'); {DISKFILE will have name 'file1'} REWRITE(DISKFILE); {set it up for writing} REPEAT WRITE('line:'); {prompt for user input} READLN(S1); {press F6 CR to enter an EOF} WRITELN(DISKFILE,S1); {write to disk file} UNTIL EOF(INPUT); WRITELN; RESET(DISKFILE); {now set up to read the disk file} WHILE NOT EOF(DISKFILE) DO BEGIN READLN(DISKFILE,S1); WRITELN(S1); {and copy it to the screen} END; WRITELN("that's all!"); END.