UNITIO.EXE Unit conversion program for MSDOS computers and the ATARI Portfolio. UNITIO is a conversion utility for units of measurement. It is possible to use the program to convert other numeric values, for instance different rates of money exchange, but this is up to the user. At the moment UNITIO.EXE comes with a list of about 170 units used by physicists in different countries. A (to my knowledge) unique property of UNITIO is that the number of different possible conversions is unlimited. This, firstly, because the list of units supplied can be added to by the user, but secondly because of the formulas that can be incorporated in the list of units. For instance, if you want to convert a certain PRESSURE into another unit, these are the units you can choose from: PRESSURE Pa Pascal(SI) kPa Kilopascal ATM Atmosphere Bar PSF Pound per sq. Foot PSI Pound per sq. Inch TORR Torricelli (Mm Hg) Quite a range, but in some cases not sufficient. Often the amount of pressure is not expressed in one of the above, but in a combination of units from other physical quantities, like Newton / m2 or even 'foot of water'. In these cases you could choose : (FORCE)/(AREA) or (DIST)*(DENS)*[G] If you do, you are presented with the wide range of units UNITIO provides for FORCE, from which you could choose Newton, and then with AREA, where you could choose for (DIST)^2 and then for meters. In the case of 'foot of water' you choose for (DIST)*(DENS)*[G] , because as you will be aware a pressure of one 'foot of water' constitutes a DISTANCE of one foot times the DENSITY of water times the Gravitational Acceleration Constant G. But if you prefer, in the same way you could opt for 'mm of mercury' or 'miles under sealevel'. The words in normal brackets refer to other physical quantities contained in UNITS.FIL, the square brackets are used in case only one particular unit is indicated, as in this case G. The possibilities are quite extended. IF the user should incorporate enough formulas into the UNITS.FIL list, there is hardly any problem in physics that cannot be tackled. Operators that can be used in formulas are + - * / ^ SIN and COS. UNITIO was written using Borlands Turbo Pascal 5.5, with the intention to make more use of the Atari Portfolio's possibilities. Turbo Pascal calculates with an accuracy of about 10 decimals; not all the constants in UNITS.FIL are that accurate, though. The routines used are standard DOS routines, so the program works on PC, XT and AT machines as well. The EXE file has been compacted using LZEXE by Fabrice Bellard, to use as little of the precious card space as possible. Sjoerd Spoelstra Korenmolen 24 2906RA Capelle a/d IJssel HOLLAND.