STOPWAT v1.0 (c) 1991 by BJ Gleason This is a simple stop watch program. Because of the internal design of the Portfolio, this will only count in seconds. You have access to 10 stopwatches: Watch Start Pause Inc Dec Zero Stop Reset Counter Counter Counter 1 1 Q A Z Q 2 2 W S X W 3 3 E D C E 4 4 R F V R 5 5 T G B T 6 6 Y H N Y 7 7 U J M U 8 8 I K , I 9 9 O L . O 0 0 P ; / P Each watch can also serve as a event counter. Each counter can be incremented, decremented or zeroed. To use as a counter, press the inc/dec button. To go back to a watch, press the number. Also: - Quit - Start all watches at 0