Memory Info v5.8 Copyright 1989 Central Point Software, Inc. All rights reserved. By GWD 01/06/89----PATCH AREA--------VA 3أH$,;s27r+rr2@@r;r$3P>30!ģ=r0!ģ=rࣚ>و)PG3󪡎3&E33&@A&DA&DAЉQB}ًG=pwGS3xu@=tR;@t=prZtuU@P@Ar&, tߎu׀yuы@;AuɌ@ AEcr@ @F@;v@StA ~^ ktj 3@ @-0@;w  8?;@u#>s  !(@H">r@~uyPt܀xPu](@ tP t'>s; @r'&wrO*v ;rȺtttu*{ g00. K"v@ -  Ct>u t% =r  =r 3@@@=>r9SV>Sg^[ u&^>G$t < r<u. tt V3&s%3uu&GG t =2w_YSQ3;AtY[úP< rRд!ZX< t<t< t<tyP uXPhXPMg uSRVWX63FFGr3uƀuNJЀƀuEu R> mZMR( ]Zŀt ,"-̀΀uu .RO_^Z[Ë63ts t;tFFGSQVW3ێÐ&}pr&&&Er3;@r;@v 3@ _^Y[EMMXXXX0Type Paragraphs Bytes Owner ---- ---------- ----- ------------- Handle Pages Bytes Name ------ ------- ------- ----------SysProgFreeEnv< DOS >& using interrupt , Conventional memory. Total:Largest executable program: Expanded memory (EMM ) at page frame total, used, free.Error - bad option Displays some information about the usage of the memory in your computer. Options: /A All blocks shown (longer list). /V Vectors used by programs. ? This text. Holding ALT or SHIFT will pause scrolling.