40cols.exe (c) 1991 David E. Stewart ==================================== This is a file that is both documenation and example for the program that I called 40cols.exe. This program will format your text files in an intelligent way. Notice that when you read this file on your desktop computer, all the lines in this paragraph extend to almost 80 columns across. Like most text files, each line ends with a carriage return. With most regular "word wrap" functions, such as the one built into the Atari editor, many of these lines would simply hang over ... you would not get a very clean wrap. But 40 columns will give you cleaner wraps and will also be able to tell most of the time when not to make a wrap: Like right now for instance. In other words, it formats the text file as closely to the original as possible while making it as readable as possible on the Port 40 by 8 screen. (Actually, because of the way the Port advances the cursor, the program wraps at 38 characters across). This version does have at least two oddities, which I'm working on: 1. If you have a long row of characters without spaces, it won't wrap correctly (i.e. a bunch of dashes to make up a rule). 2. You MUST enter the name of the file to read on the command line. If you forget, hit CTRL-C to quit and try again. Just read this file on the Port to see how it works. Type 40cols 40cols.doc to start it. The Port will pause after each screen; hit any key to continue at that point. Hit to exit at any time. Hope you like it! This file is a good demonstration of how the 60 by 10 column file viewer works. If you haven't seen 60 columns of text on the Port, contact me for a demo program, or download it from CompuServe, GEnie, or the Atari BBS. David E. Stewart 1280 Royvonne Ave. SE #23 Salem, OR 97302 CompuServe: 73770,2021 GEnie: D.STEWART28 Please support my efforts: Send $5 to the above and receive notice of new products and special offers on my commercial software!