CRYPT 1.0 - Editor Encryption Atari Portfolio Editor Hook by Don Messerli (NCRYPT.HOO 328 bytes 12/25/91) (DCRYPT.HOO 328 bytes 12/25/91) Editor Hooks ------------ Place all editor hooks in the root directory of your A: drive. When you are in the Portfolio's editor, press [F6] to get a list of "editor hooks". Choose an editor hook to run by hilighting it's name and pressing [ENTER]. Pressing [ESC] will return to editing. NCRYPT - Editor Encryptor ------------------------- NCRYPT encrypts the file you are currently editing. It will prompt you for a password. You will need this password to decrypt the file later, so don't forget it. You can SAVE the document to disk (RAM CARD) after encrypting it. DCRYPT - Editor Decryptor ------------------------- DCRYPT decrypts documents that were encrypted with NCRYPT. Load the encrypted file into the editor and then run DCRYPT.HOO. It will prompt you for a password. Type in the same password you used to encrypt the file. It you type in the wrong password, you will end up with garbage. Do not SAVE the file to disk (RAM CARD), abandon editing and reload the encrypted version and try again. A note about Passwords ---------------------- The encryption key is derived from the password that you supply. It is not stored anywhere in the encrypted file. Therefore, if you forget it, I can't tell you what it was. Try and use simple passwords. Something easy to remember. You should probably use the same password or a set of logical passwords for all your encrypted files. Disclaimer ---------- Don Messerli and Software Vineyard cannot be held responsible for any lost of information caused by this program. Please send comments/suggestions to: Don Messerli - Software Vineyard Compuserve 72500,1671 GEnie DMESS