WCX.DOC v1.0 06/08/86 I got tired of waiting for WC.EXE to count the words in my files, so I wrote this little program that does it over 5 times faster. WCX outputs the number of lines, words and bytes in a text file. It allows apostrophes, backspaces and hyphens as internal punctuation, and counts any combination of letters and numbers as a word. No word-count program can take into account all the different control codes used by different word-processors. WCX was written with WordStar in mind, and it will be accurate with (almost-)pure ascii files. It kills high bits, but some word- processors use these for codes which are thereby converted into "words." In addition, some word-processors (e.g., WordPerfect) don't put line feeds after every line in the file; the line count in such case really gives the number of paragraphs. Eric Gans French Dep't, UCLA Los Angeles CA 90024